What’s video marketing, what’s importance of it in digital marketing services and what’s the ROI of it?

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Monday, March 27, 2017
Arktech Digital Marketing

Video marketing is an important part of Digital Marketing Services for many reasons, Video marketing considered as using video to promote your product or services.

According to statistics there are 73 million video viewers every year you have to exploit, It Is one of most perfect tools in advertising used to attract and sometimes educate.

Now we will define some of its usages and its effectiveness.


1-    SEO  Strong tool

SEO Tools

If you working on SEO new strategy and want to get fast result, Video considered as a gold mine for SEO so you have to set your strategy using your videos on your YouTube channel.

YouTube is the second largest search engine second to Google,

It is owned by Google so your video can help you to reach your customers using organic search.


2-    Increase your conversation Rate

Increase converssation rate - SEO Arktech Digital Marketing

Are you looking for increasing your engagement and conversation Rate??

Video marketing enables you to increase your conversation rate according to statistics.

Note: The percentage of visitors who take the desired action.

Statistics found that 85% of users have been taken an action after them watching a video.


3- About Engagement point:

social media engagement- SEO Arktech Digital Marketing

Users spent 100% more time on websites which have videos on compared to pages which don’t have videos.

Also in commercial websites, 85% of users have to purchase a product after watching a video. 

Finally, we have to say that the video gets your business a Great ROI!


4- Video Help you to attract more visitors:

video marketing importance - SEO Arktech Digital Marketing

Using videos can help you to increase your audience and build your branding awareness.

Using videos allow your audience to share your content for free and attract other potential customers.



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